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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Virtua Cop 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-28 07:57:43 Views : 31611 Cheat : ENABLE CHEATS* - Go to yor Virtua Cop 2 directory. - Open the file VCOP2.INI - Find the [GameSetting] line. When you find it, add a line like this: Extra=2 will be like this: " [GameSetting] Extra=2 " - Close and Save the File. - Start the Game, Now when start go to Mode Settings (F6) and you will see two new options "Special" and "Cheat". now you will can use these options: Special Menu: -Single Click Reload: Reload with a single click of the mouse. -Random Mode: Opponents come out in random formation. -Mirror Mode: The game screen appears as a mirror image of the original. -Big Head Mode: Characters appear with humorously enlarged heads. Cheat Menu: -Auto Reload: Weapons automatically reload when you use all the ammo. -Weapon Select: Allows you to choose any of the special weapons during gameplay. -Weapon Select (Special): A special version of the Weapon Select option. Fight End Boss: At the stage select screen, rapidly fire at the little arrow pointing at the first stage until time runs out. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Virtua Cop 2 cheat codes.
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