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Game Name : Insaniquarium Deluxe
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-06-05 06:12:02
Views : 15868

Giving shells
Have 2 users, make second user beat level 1, then go to main menu screen, type give and you will see a screen pop up.

Fish feeding:
When you feed your fish, always drop your food from above. If your fish are not hungry yet, and then they get hungry, they can still chase after that piece of food rather than you dropping another one.

Bonus Pet Brinkly:
Get 20,000 shells. Brinkly requires you to feed him. When you do so, he will toss up stars which can be converted to money, or used as food to feed your Starcatcher. Stars are not the only things that Brinkley throws. He will throw money in any form, including treasure chests. Note: The more valuable the item, the rarer. Also, he will not throw coins or beetles.

Sandbox Mode
Enter at the main screen, after you have the silver trophy. Note: use arrow keys for the listed directions. press: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a.

Bonus Pet Stanley:
After buying Nostradamus, get 30,000 shells. He will shoot balls at your enemies and do some serious damage.

Bring four pets to a level:
After buying Walter, get 40,000 shells. With this you can buy the option to bring up to four pets to any level.

Amp the Eel:
Amp can only electrocute your guppies, which means that if you have another type of fish, you will not risk losing the game. Also, you can tell Amp when to electrocute your tank by clicking on him. He will start by signaling you when he can electrocute the tank by making this electrocution sound, and you will see a yellow lightning mark on his body. If you click on him again, it will turn orange. Another click will make it red, and clicking him again will result in the shocking of your fish.

New fish for sale:
The game uses your system date and time for the Virtual Tank. Change the system time to 11:59:59 p.m. to see the new fish for sale. You can also make fish grow very fast by feeding them three times then advancing your clock to 11:59 p.m. and repeating this process seven times. Note: For this to take effect, you must exit the game and reload it every time you change your clock.

Santa Fish
If you buy a guppy from the virtual tank store and name it "Santa" it will sing Christmas songs and drop bags of shells.

Cheat Codes
Type any of the following codes at any tank screen:

Code - Result:

zombie - All Fish Appear Dead
space - Background is Space
void - Background is White
welovebetatesters - Change Breeder Fish's Birth Noise
supermegaultra - Change Preggo's Birth Noise
time - Display Time
wavy - Tank Background Waves

Secret Virtual Tank Fish: Kilgore:
Bought for 50,000 shells, Purple Ultravore.

Bonus Pet Nostradamus:
After buying Brinkly, get 25,000 shells. He drops snot that counts as one dollar. In virtual tank, the snot also works as food.

Bonus Pet Walter:
After buying Stanley, get 35,000 shells. You can click on him to punch your fish or pets around or make your big fish drop a coin.

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